Thursday, November 22, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Abandoned concept design. Welllll, more like on hiatus. It'd be a shame to abandon him so quickly, handsome devil that he is.
Original concept for this character by Katelyn, a friend of mine. Fun to draw. I may even finish it some day.
The first thing that went through my head when I drew this guy was 'Timecop'. Odd since I've never seen Timecop before. I didn't even know what Timecop looked like. Only just now did I actually google Timecop to see if I was anywhere near the mark. Wow, I was way off. Even so, he shall remain a Timecop.
David Cross. Drawn whilst listening to David Cross. He's a comedian, and he's adorable.
Concept art for a writing RPG me and some pals online are working on. The guy on the left is a character one of them came up with. The girl on the right is mine.A character I was asked to design.
I did this one up as a practice run for a painting. I've never been too hot with acrylic paints, so I did this up in Photoshop to get a fuller understanding of color application. The end result was featured at the SPCA for the 'Kats on Cats' art auction. It's current fate is unknown.
Next up is the robot section. I'm nuts for robots these days. Might have something to do with the recent movie with all the robots in it. The ones that turned into vehicles and stuff. Robotech, I think it was called... Two heads and a torso. Coming soon to NBC.
I expect a lot of people will think this is a tribute to G.I.Joe/The Transformers. But really, the people who know me better might think it's more a tribute to this. They thought right.
I don't even know what this guy turns into. Something ridiculous. Like a toothpick. The last place you'd expect to find a living war machine would be in your mouth, picking extra food stuff out of your teeth.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Seems I've neglected you all! I'll make it up to you with a sketchbook post next time. For now though, here's some Photoshop stuff I did over the last month. I didn't have a lot of time for drawing due to long hours working inventory. But no more of that, thanks to my new job at Fatkat animation. Hot digity!
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Mario Brothers give our generation a chance. A chance to learn.
There's a lot of things wrong (albeit awesome) with this, but I think what caught me off guard the most was how incredibly manly Luigi sounds.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thing is, I haven't been asked that particular question since high school, and my answer for each time was the same. I just couldn't draw the damn things well, which doesn't bother me more than the fact that I never really tried. And not just with robots either, a lot of mechanical type things. Vehicles especially.
So I feel guilty about it, yet also empowered, inspired. It means that on the rare times I do draw anything mechanical, I feel the need to push myself and try different approaches and directions in drawing them. So, that's cool, right?
Well, here's an attempt at just that. I've been watching a couple of episodes of some of the more recent Transformers cartoons to get down some ideas from those cool designs. I also watched Beast Wars to see those robotic designs that really needed to work in 3-dimensional space. Well partially. I watched Beast Wars because it's an awesome show, really.
I had a lot of fun sketching Prime, so I think I'll keep at it for a while. Of course at one point I'll have to draw him as a truck. *shudder*
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
...How long 'till Easter?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Sorry it's been so long, guys. Here's a handful of recent sketches I've been working on. They've all been colored over in gouache. I love that stuff. It really gets me leaning towards color application.
The first batch of gouache sketches were all based around finding a final design on my female devil character (the one seen a few posts down). She wasn't doing so bad here, but I kept falling into the large head category, which bothered the hell out of me. She was looking way too young. I was diggin' the color sceme in the lower right drawing, though.
After pushing aside another grotesquely large head in the top left, I started pegging her proportions down a bit better. I added glasses to give her more of a mature work area look, and eventually really pegged it down with the bottom middle sketch.
I'm pretty close to the final now, after a month or so of design. I'll have to start putting her on model soon. Like, this weekend soon. I'll post the sheets up when I get the chance.
Here's a couple of randoms, with a pudgy little purple garden-gnomish kid who's name will be respectfully withdrawn, a somewhat confused Jesus, and a quick profile shot on our leading lady.
A young and brash Supes, ready for the heroic rescueins.
Which of course, throws old man Batman into a mindless, gassy rage.